This week Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari participated in Expoagro Digital, the virtual exhibition of Argentine Farming. During the three days of the exhibition, on the Expoagro internet platform, Néstor Cestari gave a talk called «A family history, 4 Cestari generations, 93 years of life». There, he presented, before hundreds of users, the history of Cestari, its identity, the role of the 4th generation and, several heart-warming anecdotes.

A photo and the memory of Nino Cestari.

In an emotive conversation, Néstor showed us a wonderful photo, and described it like this: «This photo is from 1930 when the construction of the cereal bins began, it is a historical photo of our factory. You can see the wagons with wooden wheels and the trucks that used to be loaded with these bins, we still have one at the entrance to the factory».
The photo is a priceless document for the history of our company, especially for the people who appear in it, and Néstor pointed out: «In the bin that is on the ground, you can see Andrés Cestari ,my grandfather. On the truck’s bonnet is «Nino», Juan Fernando Cestari, my father, and then, on top of the bin is Don Angel Sansoni, a lifelong friend. They are people with whom Cestari, had and still has a great relationship».
The talk took place in a very significant week as Néstor Cestari said: «September 11th would have been my father’s 97th birthday and this photo brings back beautiful memories, and reminds us of him with great affection».
It was a pleasant conversation and very well received not only by the followers of the brand but also by the media. A unique moment in which the memory allows us to go over the history and reinforce the identity, to build the present and the future of the company. This has been Cestari’s hallmark throughout these 93 years.
Posted in Cestari, Cestari is National, Cestari around the world, Cestari on show, Pioneers and specialists, Uncategorised.
(FOTO)  The year 1930. Andrés Cestari (1st generation), Juan Fernando Cestari (2nd generation) and Ángel Sansoni, among others.
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Horacio Paludi has been working at Industrias Metalurgicas Cestari for 25 years. He has been in charge of the company’s Purchasing Department for 18 years and works with our suppliers.

«Cestari is my family, literally it’s my family», says Horacio and adds with confidence and humour: «I’m a family man and I must have been trusted and given some compassion».

Do you have any outstanding anecdotes of your time in the company?

-I have many stories but this one  is my favourite. It was back in 1997, the President was Menem, we were at the Rural de Palermo with my friend Negrini (It is important to tell you that Anibal Negrini was a historical employee of Cestari, who everyone knew as «Negri», or simply Negrini. He will always be in the memory of all who had the honour of working with him), It was the main parade of all exhibitors in the center arena of the country show.  Negrini drove the tractor, and the auger wagon behind was loaded with caps with our logo as we went around the arena and we threw caps into the crowd much to the joy of the spectators. We went at a walking pace and everyone was asking us for caps. Suddenly, a security guard came up to us and told us not to stop  when we passed the official box where all the government officials were including the President. Negrini looked at me because we had in fact planned to stop. But the security guy was keeping an eye on us and walking beside the tractor. When we passed by the official box there was Menem and Negrini smiled and although he didn’t actually  stop he slowed down to a snail’s pace and  that was practically the same.  I quickly threw one of Cestari’s caps to President,  he grabbed it and put it on. I wanted to die, apart from the ovation of the people, applause, laughter, the President himself smiled and greeted us. Security made us move the auger wagons and almost killed us, but we had achieved the goal. Everyone phoned us to tell us that they had seen the President wearing a Cestari’s cap on television. This is an unforgettable story for me, not only because of the situation but also because of my partner, Negrini. He was a very happy person with a very positive outlook to everything, he could find a solution where no one else could. He was an excellent colleague and we shall always remember him.

With regard to the passing of the years in the company, Paludi  analyses: «In recent years the company has received an injection of young people, who continue to grow. Not to mention the 4th generation of Cestari. I believe that the good fortune that Néstor Cestari had that his children have dedicated themselves to the company in the way they have, with great responsibility , is of great benefit to the company».

Horacio Paludi wears the Cestari colours and represents the factory wherever he goes. His view of the future is very hopeful: «I see everything as very positive. I see a very solid future for the company . Of course, one can never really tell what may happen here in Argentina, but Cestari always takes the steps it can, it is very solid, very well equipped, and has invested a lot in machinery».

«I believe that the new Cestari generation will make it stronger and make it grow even more,» he says and closes with emotion: «I am very happy to have spent so many years in this company.

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Again, we quote stories that are very much our own. Close stories that connect with our 92 years of life. Under the slogan #TuHistoryWithCestari we encourage our employees and friends to share with you life stories that are worth reading.

Rubén Bramante, Tito, has been working at Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari for 43 years. His task is fundamental, every day, in our company. One of the oldest members of the payroll at Cestari’s tells us: «I’ve been through several jobs here. My first job when I came in was the lathe, I didn’t know anything about it, they put me there, and I learnt as I went along» and he adds: «That’s why I say that this factory is a school». Tito entered our factory at a very young age and learned to work and he himself helped and taught others who came along after him.

«When the folding machine and the guillotine arrived, I started to learn and work  those machines with Néstor Balduzzi. After a while I started to operate the folder and guillotine, together with Nino Cestari, too», says Tito and adds: «We were making different developments right up to the breakthrough of  the self-unloading auger wagon».

The story of how the self-unloading auger wagon was manufactured is incredible: «Don Nino, here in front where today’s desks are, drew the auger wagon in full size on the floor with chalk He included all the details, the walls of the wagon,  the chassis, the direction of the axle, etc.».

With a hint of emotion he says that «this is where the development of the first auger wagons began, we made the hopper, made control boxes, welded the joints, all kinds of tests were made». Without a doubt a whole process of creation and production that was done «by eye and experience».

This is not just another memoir for Tito. That day, with that drawing on the floor, the first self-unloading auger wagon in our country was born. From that day on, the harvesting system in Argentina would change dramatically.

Rubén Bramante has been through different sectors and handled different machinery. He has even taken part in the process of selling our auger wagons abroad. «I have been to more than 10 countries, I used to travel with Néstor (Cestari) deliverying our auger wagons» he says proudly.

Today he is in the R & D sector and is a constant consultant. The factory marked his life and his words say it all: «Cestari is everything to me, it’s what I live for, I have nothing else. It is part of my life».

Tito went through two of the transitions experienced by Industrias Metalurgicas Cestari, the passage from Nino to Nestor and the current incorporation of the 4th generation of the company. «The transitions were not easy, but they were carried out with dedication and the desire to continue growing», he says and completes: «I hope that the 4th generation will continue to move forward, I know they will».

Bramante returns every time to his references, those who helped him on his way. In his story, surnames with their own weight are heard, such as Balduzzi, Guarino, Sosa and Negrini. «I spent a lot of time with Balduzzi and Don Nino and I can say that together they were my north».

-What do you think about the future of the company?

-The future, what a word. I see it bright for Cestari because the  company is well positioned even if the country’s economy is detrimental to growth. However should the country pick up, Cestari, we are geared and ready to go up to the front. I personally am about to retire, but I’ll always be there to helpif they need me.

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Cestari continúa marcando el camino en maquinarias agrícolas y tenemos el orgullo de seguir presentando nuevos productos.

Es el momento del lanzamiento de la nueva Tolva Cestari B1 20.000 L para Semillas y Fertilizantes.

La tolva B1 20.000 L presenta una capacidad de 20.000 litros y está equipada con un tubo de descarga de 220 mm. para acelerar el abastecimiento de las grandes sembradoras que hoy se usan en Argentina.

“Siguiendo la línea de acoplados rurales, que es nuestra especialidad, seguimos con una tolva para el uso en la siembra que es una tolva granelera para cargar las sembradoras”, explica con orgullo Néstor Cestari y agrega sobre este nuevo producto: “Apuntamos a un mercado de máquinas grandes como lo hemos  hecho también con la última tolva que presentamos, la Cestari S6, maquinas que necesitan pronto llenado y una gran capacidad de carga”.


Características óptimas

En cuanto a sus atributos la tolva B1 20.000 L es completamente abulonada, lo que permite que cualquier pieza pueda intercambiarse rápidamente cuando se produce desgaste por la condición abrasiva de los productos que debe transportar.

“Nuestra maquina se diferencia porque es robusta, es una maquina totalmente abulonada y con una gran descarga con un tubo de 220 mm que aligera muchísimo el llenado de los tanques ya sea de fertilizantes o de semillas”, explica Néstor.

“El tubo de descarga es largo, lo que permite llegar bien a las Air Drill que es uno de los mayores problemas, siempre estando a disposición de la máquina sembradora, que tiene que recibir una buena asistencia para ser eficiente”, amplía.

El problema de las máquinas grandes en los tiempos actuales es el tiempo que demoran en abastecerse. Por ello Néstor Cestari finaliza: “Pensamos en maximizar la productividad de la sembradora tratando de hacer la tarea de reabastecimiento en el menor tiempo posible”.

Cestari y un nuevo lanzamiento, la tolva B1 20.000 L., siempre pensando en los usuarios y las necesidades del campo argentino.

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Néstor Cestari es el nuevo Presidente de CAFMA (Cámara Argentina de Fabricantes de Maquinaria Agrícola)

El jueves 19 de septiembre de 2019 se llevó a cabo la asamblea anual de la CAFMA, durante la cual fueron designadas las nuevas autoridades para el próximo período de dos años. De esta forma, Néstor Cestari, titular de Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari, será el sucesor de Raúl Crucianelli presidente de la empresa santafecina Crucianelli S.A.

La CAFMA representa a más de 170 asociados de las provincias de Córdoba, Santa Fe y Buenos Aires.

Néstor Cestari fue a lo largo de su vida presidente de Gapma (hoy MAGRIBA), presidente de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Colón, es miembro del Consejo de la Presidencia de ADIMRA y recibió el Premio a la Trayectoria CITA 2018.

Sin dudas que este es un gran desafío y una gran responsabilidad que Néstor afrontará con la fuerza y el compromiso de siempre.

¡Felicitaciones!, en nombre de toda la familia de Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari.

Comisión Directiva 2019/2021



Presidente Cestari Néstor Industria Metalurgica Cestari S.R.L Buenos Aires
Vicepresidente 1º Borri Eduardo Metalfor S.A. Córdoba
Vicepresidente 2º Giorgi Rubén Giorgi S.A. Santa Fe
Secretario Negrini Rosana Agrometal S.A. Córdoba
Prosecretario Silvi Marcela Industrias Erca S.A. Santa Fe
Tesorero Valfiorani Marcelo Ingeniería Mega S.A. Buenos Aires
Protesorero Gaviglio Alberto Micron Fresar S.R.L Córdoba
Vocal Bertini Enrique Ing. Enrique Bertini Santa Fe
Vocal Médica Jorge Yomel S.A. Buenos Aires
Vocal Lambertini Egar Carlos Mainero y Cía. S.A.I.C.F.I Córdoba
Vocal Castellani Orlando Máquinas Agrícolas Ombu S.A. Santa Fe
Vocal Allochis José Allochis Norma Beatriz Buenos Aires
Vocal Tron Lisandro Fertil Tecnologías S.R.L. Córdoba
Vocal Castellani Carlos Apache S.A. Santa Fe
Vocal Zubeldía Hernán Abel L. Zubeldia S.A. Buenos Aires
Vocal Albano M. Fernanda Maizco S.A. Córdoba
Vocal Rossi Vassalli Mariana Vassalli Fabril S.A. Santa Fe
Vocal Crucianelli Raúl Talleres Metalúrgicos Crucianelli S.A. Santa Fe



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Cestari presente en Ecuador

Las tolvas Cestari continúan dando la vuelta al mundo. Desde la década de 1990, cuando se dieron las primeras exportaciones a países vecinos, nuestra empresa representa a la Argentina con productos de calidad y adaptables a cada continente. Latinoamerica fue quien recibió por primera vez a nuestra tolva y por ello estamos presentes en diferentes países de nuestro continente. Néstor Cestari nos cuenta al respecto: «Hace muchos años que se encuentra en Ecuador y allí trabajan muchas de nuestras unidades».

La primera semana de septiembre, Cestari dijo presente en Expo Arroz 2019, en Santa Lucía, Guayas, Ecuador. De la mano de nuestro distribuidor Agroproduzca mostramos nuestras tolvas de menor porte en la feria arrocera más importante de dicho país.
«El motivo de esta visita fue para reafirmar nuestro producto y mostrar las bondades y diferencias, y la importancia de su estructura. Además fuimos a contar las ventajas de nuestro producto y sus fortalezas para suelos difíciles y en donde las exigencias son muy importantes», nos cuenta Néstor.
Agroproduzca distribuye grandes marcas entre ellas Massey Ferguson y Cestari.
Néstor Cestari completa .»Ecuador es un país más que adopta nuestras tolvas y esto es motivo de orgullo para nosotros, agradecemos su recibimiento y su confianza».
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