Tag Archives: tolva


Again, we quote stories that are very much our own. Close stories that connect with our 92 years of life. Under the slogan #TuHistoryWithCestari we encourage our employees and friends to share with you life stories that are worth reading.

Rubén Bramante, Tito, has been working at Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari for 43 years. His task is fundamental, every day, in our company. One of the oldest members of the payroll at Cestari’s tells us: «I’ve been through several jobs here. My first job when I came in was the lathe, I didn’t know anything about it, they put me there, and I learnt as I went along» and he adds: «That’s why I say that this factory is a school». Tito entered our factory at a very young age and learned to work and he himself helped and taught others who came along after him.

«When the folding machine and the guillotine arrived, I started to learn and work  those machines with Néstor Balduzzi. After a while I started to operate the folder and guillotine, together with Nino Cestari, too», says Tito and adds: «We were making different developments right up to the breakthrough of  the self-unloading auger wagon».

The story of how the self-unloading auger wagon was manufactured is incredible: «Don Nino, here in front where today’s desks are, drew the auger wagon in full size on the floor with chalk He included all the details, the walls of the wagon,  the chassis, the direction of the axle, etc.».

With a hint of emotion he says that «this is where the development of the first auger wagons began, we made the hopper, made control boxes, welded the joints, all kinds of tests were made». Without a doubt a whole process of creation and production that was done «by eye and experience».

This is not just another memoir for Tito. That day, with that drawing on the floor, the first self-unloading auger wagon in our country was born. From that day on, the harvesting system in Argentina would change dramatically.

Rubén Bramante has been through different sectors and handled different machinery. He has even taken part in the process of selling our auger wagons abroad. «I have been to more than 10 countries, I used to travel with Néstor (Cestari) deliverying our auger wagons» he says proudly.

Today he is in the R & D sector and is a constant consultant. The factory marked his life and his words say it all: «Cestari is everything to me, it’s what I live for, I have nothing else. It is part of my life».

Tito went through two of the transitions experienced by Industrias Metalurgicas Cestari, the passage from Nino to Nestor and the current incorporation of the 4th generation of the company. «The transitions were not easy, but they were carried out with dedication and the desire to continue growing», he says and completes: «I hope that the 4th generation will continue to move forward, I know they will».

Bramante returns every time to his references, those who helped him on his way. In his story, surnames with their own weight are heard, such as Balduzzi, Guarino, Sosa and Negrini. «I spent a lot of time with Balduzzi and Don Nino and I can say that together they were my north».

-What do you think about the future of the company?

-The future, what a word. I see it bright for Cestari because the  company is well positioned even if the country’s economy is detrimental to growth. However should the country pick up, Cestari, we are geared and ready to go up to the front. I personally am about to retire, but I’ll always be there to helpif they need me.

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Es la novedad en la Exposición Rural 2018 de Palermo. Quiénes visiten el Pabellón Azul, Lote D5 podrán ver la primera maquinaria argentina pintada con pintura base agua. Toda una innovación que convierte a la tolva Cestari en el primer implemento agroindustrial de nuestro país en ser pintado con un esquema de pintura que es totalmente al agua y 100% amigable con el medio ambiente.

Cestari dio el primer paso para una industria comprometida en materia medioambiental y con esta novedad se presentará en el Premios Cita  a la innovación en tecnología agropecuaria.

Industrias Metalúrgicas Cestari decidió adoptar esta nueva manera de pintar sus tolvas con el apoyo de Sherwin Williams, a través de MC Pinturas, manifestando un compromiso cada vez mayor con el medio ambiente.

Esta innovación supone una mejora evidente en:

  • la eficiencia del sistema productivo
  • la calidad del producto obtenido
  • la seguridad laboral y medioambiental

Esta innovación representa una elevación de los estándares nacionales y un compromiso creciente con le norma verde (ISO 14.001).

Con orgullo podemos decir que la tolva Cestari es el primer antecedente en esta experiencia que llevará a un cambio de paradigma en la producción de la maquinaria agrícola nacional. Desde hoy, Cestari es 100% amigable con el medio ambiente.


Roberto, Mario, Néstor y Pablo, de MC Pinturas y Sherwin Williams.

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